Melanson Family History

Location: Worcester Diocese, United States

Born in Bitburg, Germany, Paul Anthony Melanson is a Catholic lay-philosopher and apologist whose work has appeared in many publications and websites including The Union Leader, The Wanderer, Seattle Catholic, Newsblaze, Helium, and Amazines. He has been interviewed by The National Catholic Register, the Southern Poverty Law Center and the television newsmagazine Chronicle.

Monday, December 26, 2005

MASH Unit helping wounded, Korea 1952

Photo courtesy of the Melanson Foundation
Camille Melanson collection.

Korea 1952

Photo courtesy of the Melanson Foundation
Camille Melanson collection.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Rita Melanson
Photo taken at Homestead Air Force Base
around the time of the Cuban missile crisis.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Camille and Rita Melanson